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• D E S L I N
• 2nd February
• Love photographing
• Enjoy living in her own world
- Wishing list for year 2010 -

♥ 45kg
♥ Complete full back
♥ Blackberry Bold 9000 White
♥ Yamaha Fino 115
♥ Back to school
♥ Louis Vuitton Mini Agenda
♥ Class 3 licence
♥ Class 2A licence
♥ Long hair
* Travelling *

Thailand Trip 22 Jan 2010
♥ Taiwan / Taipei
♥ HongKong
♥ Kukup
♥ Genting
♥ Maldives
Insert Cbox code here

Monday, December 28, 2009

Ouch! My body is aching like no tomorrow! Went back to Northland Sec for hockey yesterday. Cant rmb when was the last time i played but it seem like so many years. Cant imagine that I still know how to hit around and i managed to score in the first game ^^ Well, secondary school life was the best, ever. Those crazy school times, where we do all sort of stupid thingys. Those was the moment, i missed! How I wish I could travel back time and do all my best in my study. Well, but still, i cherish all the memorise in NSS.

Seriously, I miss those time spend with Binggs ( in sec school )

2009 is coming to an end and that means I am getting older soon. A brand new year, a brand new start. I gonna plan my wishlist and woohooo, I gonna make it come true =)

Time to let go of the past and move on with life! But seriously, I really dont think I can do it! I wanna move on, I wanna be strong! I believe that's what u want me to be.

Hurhur~ I wanna party with the crazy groups again! But somehow, I wish darLings could join us but I think it's impossible? mUhahahaS.